ADER 23.1.4 Evolution and impact of lps typographus and Lymantria monacha pests on coniferous vegetation

Project title: ADER 23.1.4: Evolution and impact of lps typographus and Lymantria monacha pests on coniferous vegetation in the context of climate change

Total project budget: 800.000 Lei
Funding source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Implementation period: 2023 – 2026
Project contractor:  Research and Development Institute for Wildlife and Mountain Resources Miercurea-Ciuc (ICDCRM)
Partner: Research and Development Institute for Plant Protection (ICDPP)

Main expected results:
-Spatio-temporal analysis of the distribution of Ips typographus and Lymantria monacha species in sample triangulations, in all three groups of the Eastern Carpathians;
-Collection of historical statistical data on attacks of Ips typographus and Lymantria monacha species;
-The relationship of the evolution of pest cycles Ips typographus and Lymantria monacha with climatic factors;
-Genetic analysis of the population of Ips typographus and Lymantria monacha;
-Evolution scenarios of populations of Ips typographus and Lymantria monacha in the context of climate change.

Project summary:
The evolution and distribution of Ips typographus and Lymantria monacha show a marked tendency to expand in the context of increasing atmospheric temperature and forest microclimate. Data from the literature indicate that with climate change, these pests have several life cycles, having a significant impact on wood loss. Evaluation of the effect of natural volatile substances characteristic of spruce forests on the response of adult pests to used commercial attractants. The novelty element of the project consists in collecting data on the evolution of bark pests studied in the context of climate change, in order to modify the periods and intensity of treatments by forest managers, owners.
The project will develop scenarios for the evolution of populations of bark pests Ips typographus and Lymantria monacha, in the context of increasing atmospheric temperature and forest microclimate changes in the studied mountain areas.
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