ADER 23.1.3 Evaluation and increase of viability of some pollinator species

Project title: ADER 23.1.3: Evaluation and increase of viability of some pollinator species in the Carpathian areas

Total project budget: 1.100.000 Lei
Funding source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Implementation period: 2023 – 2026
Project contractor: Research and Development Institute for Wildlife and Mountain Resources Miercurea-Ciuc (ICDCRM)

Main expected results:
-Identification and mapping of wild bee populations, bumble bees and wasps from Harghitei, Ciucului and Hasmas mountains;
-Monitoring the evolution of populations and their correlation with abiotic environmental factors;
-Determining the resilience and resilience of wild bee populations to the Varroa mite;
-Determination of induced effects in wild bee populations of Varroa mite;
-Genetic analysis of wild pollinator populations;
-Chipping and determining the coverage areas of pollinator populations and their interaction (competitive, synergistic relationships).

Project summary:
Pollinators and pollination influence both economically, environmentally and socio-culturally and from this point of view have a direct impact on health and quality of life. According to the EU report, almost 80% of wildflowers and crops in temperate climates depend on pollination by insects, especially bees. From this point of view, pollinators contribute to increasing the quantity and quality of food, and according to research, the annual contribution to European agriculture is in the order of billions of euros. However, in recent decades, due to anthropogenic factors, namely climate change, wild pollinators have experienced a sharp decline both in abundance and diversity. Among the main causes are intensive agriculture, pesticide and fertiliser use. If we look at the global pollinator situation, we can see that around 40% of insect species are endangered if habitat is further adversely affected. Addressing this problem requires complex and multiple interventions at local, regional and global levels. In order to achieve these goals, it is mandatory to improve scientific knowledge in the field, using modern research methods and techniques.
By developing this project, we want to map several areas in the Eastern Carpathians, determine the distribution of different species of pollinators, genetically determine the population and establish their degree of viability under natural environmental conditions. The novelty of the project, besides using the classical methods used in the field, the project aims to implement an innovative pollinator monitoring system, electronic labeling based on RFID technology (radio frequency identification) in order to know the structure and dynamics of bee activity in the Harghitei, Ciucului and Hasmas Mountains. The results thus obtained are of particular importance in order to elucidate and monitor the behavior of pollinators under different conditions. The bee marking and monitoring system is successfully used in most European countries, thus allowing a holistic analysis on pollinators and the impact on biodiversity and plant productivity. The results obtained come to scientifically substantiate Romania's position at the EU initiative on pollinators, in order to conclude a new agreement for pollinators following the Save bees and farmers initiative.
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