ADER 16.3.4

General information:
Project partner
Project period: 2019-2022

Project title:
ADER 16.3.4.: Studies and researches on the development of mountain farms and farms by optimizing the use of silvo-pastoral meadows based on the arrangement, evaluation of nutritional value and their loading capacity on locally existing species of animals, cattle, sheep, goats, compared to specialized breeds

-establishing the real situation of the grasslands in the studied area and the degradation stage, respectively the productive potential of the grasslands;
-establishment of experimental modules;
-rigorous selection and detection of variants in purebred animals participating in the implementation of the project;
-profitability of farms and households;
-improving the knowledge of mountain farmers based on the results of the research included in the project;
-promoting results through dissemination and technology transfer actions;

-technical solutions and technologies for rational, balanced management of the mountain pastoral fund;
-optimization of multifunctionality of mountain meadows;
-establishing sustainable grassland exploitation systems at different altitude levels by grazing locally existing animals of bovine, ovine and caprine species compared to specialised breeds;
-establishing optimal grazing capacity and load on mountain meadows by practicing sustainable agriculture;

How to apply the results:
The research results were presented in the form of specialized scientific reports. The new technologies were applied on demonstration plots organized in the culture areas both at the partners and at the project leader. The research results were disseminated by publishing them in the form of specific culture technologies (brochure or CD).
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