ADER 13.1.1

General information:
Project partner
Project period: 2019-2020

Project title:
ADER 13.1.1.: Research on the improvement, protection and conservation of genetic resources in Romanian inland waters and aquaculture;

-studies and analyses for the improvement, protection and conservation of genetic resources in inland waters and aquaculture for rare, endangered or endangered fish species of economic importance: carp, Asian cyprinids and sturgeon;
-design/realization of experimental modules, experiments for captive / artificial breeding;
-production of mixes, hybrids and highly productive lines within the family Cyprinidae;

-programmes on supportive populations;
-experimental modules for captive breeding;
-optimization of incubation, growing conditions;
-standard characterisation sheets for breeds and species;
-initiation and development of the gene bank;
-carrying out supportive populations for selected fish species;

How to apply the results:
The research results were presented in the form of specialized scientific reports. The new technologies were applied on demonstration plots organized in the culture areas both at the partners and at the project leader. The research results were disseminated by publishing them in the form of specific culture technologies (brochure or CD).
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