ADER 7.3.15
General information:
Project title:
How to apply the results:
Project partner
Project period: 2019-2022
Project title:
ADER 7.3.15.: Establishment of measures and means for integrated prevention and control of Tuta absoluta, mining moth in tomato crops in protected premises
The main objective is to develop an innovative technological sequence, based on the launch of predators, useful in the integrated technology of protection of tomatoes in greenhouses and solariums, adapted to the requirements of sustainable agriculture and specific peculiarities at national level in the context of the need to reduce the consequences of climate change.
-technological sequence of integrated pest control with minimal impact on the environment and production quality of protected crops;
-procedures for controlling secondary hosts and samulastra of solanaceous cultivars grown in protected tomato growing areas;
-scientific papers, brochures, leaflets and project website;
How to apply the results:
The research results were presented in the form of specialized scientific reports. The new technologies were applied on demonstration plots organized in the culture areas both at the partners and at the project leader. The research results were disseminated by publishing them in the form of specific culture technologies (brochure or CD).