ADER 5.2.2

General information:
Project partner
Project period: 2019-2022

Project title:
ADER 5.2.2.: Research on the development of an innovative monitoring system for aphidauna and systems for monitoring, control and testing of biological quality in seed potato

Increasing the competitiveness of the national economy by developing and exploiting a modern and efficient system for monitoring populations of virus-vector aphids in seed potato.

Research report on research methods and parameters for aphid catches, comparative analysis between aphid species collection methods, collection and interpretation of climatic data from the areas under study.

How to apply the results:
The research results were presented in the form of specialized scientific reports. The new technologies were applied on demonstration plots organized in the culture areas both at the partners and at the project leader. The research results were disseminated by publishing them in the form of specific culture technologies (brochure or CD).
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