ADER 5.2.1

General information:
Project partner
Project period: 2019-2022

Project title:
ADER 5.2.1.: Research on improving the monitoring, prevention and control system of the main bacterial diseases and quarantine pests affecting potato production in Romania, Clavibacter, Ralstonia, Synchitrium endobioticum, Dithylenchus sp;

-determination of contaminated area/quarantine organism, in holdings approved for seed potato production;
-tests on tolerance of new potato strains to cyst nematodes and black-sorrel for type-approval;
-improvement of laboratory methods for identifying the absence / presence of quarantine organisms in soil and tuber samples in potatoes;

-optimization and modernization of the seed potato production system of higher biological categories;
-methodological norms for organizing the production / multiplication, processing and marketing of seed potatoes and eliminating the risk of contamination with quarantine organisms;
-low-energy phytosanitary seed potato processing technology;
-increasing economic efficiency in the production and processing of seed potatoes of higher biological categories;

How to apply the results:
The research results were presented in the form of specialized scientific reports. The new technologies were applied on demonstration plots organized in the culture areas both at the partners and at the project leader. The research results were disseminated by publishing them in the form of specific culture technologies (brochure or CD).
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